Music Ministries
At MUMC, we have a thriving music ministry for all ages!

The Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir offers an anthem weekly at the 10 AM Traditional service (except during summer).
The choir rehearses Thursday nights at 7:00 PM. Contact the church office for more information.

The Praise Band
The Praise Band leads the Celebration Service (3rd Sunday of the month) in musical worship singing contemporary songs, spirituals, and hymns.
Want more information about the praise band?
Email Vaa Brewer-Thomson: vaa.nukoloh@gmail.com

The Children's Choir
Currently there is no choir, HOWEVER, If you would like to sing (!), contact the director
Abigail LaVecchia: abigail.lavecchia@gmail.com

The Bell Choir
The Bell Choir performs about once a month and they schedule rehearsals on Thursday nights at 8:00PM. If you would like to join the Bell Choir contact the director:
Abigail LaVecchia: abigail.lavecchia@gmail.com