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MUMC Missions

United Methodist Committee to Relief 



Locally, we provide our services and our resources in partnership with several organizations:


Welcoming the Stranger provides free education for adult immigrants and refugees to the United States.  We provide meeting space for these classes, encourage our members to be a tutor, and provide financial resources.


AHTN - Advocates for the Homeless and Those in Need is a local organization that we work directly with in our daily requests from people with needs.  On the third Tuesday of every month we provide a  hot meal for 70-90 people from the lower Bucks area.


Food Closet - We house a small food closet in our church so we always have food on hand for someone who might call or drop in with a specific hunger need. 


Backpack Center - A room in our building has been given to an Interfaith Backpack Center which gives food and household needs to families in need who attend the Morrisville schools.


Pastor’s Fund - Members of the church give generously to a small fund, administered anonymously by our pastor, for people in need or in crisis. 


We offer financial assistance to Livengrin, a foundation for addiction recovery; Ivan’s House, an organization located right here in Morrisville; A Women’s Place, Family services of Bucks County, Advocates for the Homeless and Those in Need, and other charitable organizations that we become aware of through the year.



Mission trips - For the past decade our youth ministry has travelled around the East coast for week long summer mission trips, usually to help with storm devastation.  A fall adult mission trip has also taken place each year to offer our hands and feet in service.



As United Methodists, we are charged to be a light to the nations through our service, our prayers, and in our financial giving.  We have partnerships with several nations in Africa; we support missionaries in every continent; and we have built hospitals, schools and orphanages in war torn or impoverished nations around the globe.

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