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Food Pantry & Meals
Food Pantry and Hot Meals Are Available for anyone in need in the Morrisville community.
You will find non-perishable foods, household cleaning supplies, and personal hygiene products.
Come as needed. Take as much as you need!
Food Pantry hours are M - F from 10:30 am - 2 pm. The Pantry will be CLOSED on holidays.
HOT MEALS in the church parking lot:
Provided by the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen and the Muslim Center of Greater Princeton.
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday @ 12:45.​
Hot Meals
HOT TAKEOUT MEALS in our kitchen:
Available to anyone needing a meal.
3rd Tuesday each month @ 5:00
Takeout Meals
501 West Maple Avenue, Morrisville, PA 19067
Email: Tel: 215-295-9593
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