The CDC's Latest Pandemic Guidelines for Events
In our efforts to ensure the safety of our beloved congregation, we will follow the most recent and emerging CDC guidelines, which are summarized below.
We strongly encourage all persons, whether vaccinated or not, to wear a mask while inside our building. In addition, we are requesting that during the Passing of the Peace we remain in our pews and greet each other with a wave and a shout.
While this may be disappointing, it is our desire to be diligent in caring for one another.
The CDC’s Latest Pandemic Guidelines for Events
Updated July 27, 2021
In response to the highly contagious and fast-spreading delta variant of the coronavirus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated its previous stance and is now recommending that even fully vaccinated people wear a mask in public indoor settings in areas of substantial or high transmission levels. As seen in the CDC's interactive, county-based map of the country, this currently includes large portions of the southern U.S. The CDC's data tracker and map are updated daily.
The agency suggests that fully vaccinated people consider wearing a mask in public indoor settings even if local transmission levels are not substantial, particularly for people who are immunocompromised or at increased risk of severe illness from Covid-19, or if they live with someone who fits that description.
The CDC now also recommends that fully vaccinated people who have a known exposure to someone with a suspected or confirmed case of the virus be tested 3-5 days after exposure, and to wear a mask in public indoor settings for 2 weeks or until they receive a negative Covid test result.
All teachers, staff, students and visitors to schools should be masked while in school, regardless of vaccination status, according to the latest guidance.
Fully vaccinated people still do not need to wear a mask or socially distance in most outdoor settings in the United States — unless required by federal, state, local or tribal laws, or by a business.
While evidence still supports the fact that only a small percentage of vaccinated people will become infected when exposed to the delta variant, those people can spread the virus to others. Destinations such as Los Angeles and Las Vegas have recently reinstated mask requirements regardless of vaccination status, although in the case of Las Vegas, the requirement currently only applies to employees.
Based on the latest guidance, meeting organizers and venue managers who are assessing safety measures will likely need to consider transmission levels not only in their host destination but also in the areas from which their attendees are traveling.
People who are not fully vaccinated should continue to wear face masks indoors and in some outdoor settings. In addition, masks are required at all times when traveling, regardless of vaccination status. This includes on planes, buses, trains and other public transportation, as well as at transportation hubs such as airports and train stations. Full details on the agency's recommendations for vaccinated and unvaccinated people can be found on the CDC website.